

These are some of the smileys on my biography...

I like xD and :'3 the best!

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How do i get pictures on my blog without using a camera?
Well, you see the 'Prnt Scrn' button, thats Print Screen. Press that to take a on-screen picture. For example, if you wanted to put an artbook on a blog. Make an artbook on MSP, save it, press print screen then open up paint. Press the paste button (show in pics) and your screen will come up.
Then press select (shown in pics) and put the box around the artbook (show in pics) then press the crop button (shown in pics). The artbook should then be the only thing on the paint screen thing. Then save it, go on your blog. Click on design then your blog layout will come up. Do you see where your title is? Click edit and then something will come up. Click 'choose file' then find your picture that you saved off paint. Then look at the options and tick boxes on. Click 'instead of title and description' then save. You know have a picture on ur blog at the top :) Do the same kind of thing for other pictures on your blog.
This is the Picture showing select, crop etc.

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Im called мαιzιє, ofc.