
OSM BLOG.. in process!

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The froggster has made a blog, and i really want you to view and follow it. Thank you, from me and probablly Froggy :P.
~ Maizie xx

Easter Bunny Galore!

Aaaah! Lots of my friends have bunny outfits. This includes:
xx-nikki-xx, B6 Badman, Boyhottie, Froggy :P and me!
Heres a pic of a couple of them:

New Blog Design!

Just changed the blog theme from pink and purple to red. Does it look ok? Hope so...
~ Maizie xx

Easter's Here!

Easter's here on MSP. Check it out:
It's cool, right? Anyway, some people may be wondering, what on EARTH are the 5 easter eggs? Well, they are things you can buy in the stores 'Items' & 'Zoo'. Good luck finding them! P.S they cost 50 starcoins. I have already found and bought them all, go to my house to see what they look like. ;D.