
Please Don't... ♥

Okai guys.. I dont really want to sound mean or anything, but please stop asking me how I changed my username. Also, I doubt Pandamonia (Mackenzie [in funky text), LucyWaffle (Amy [in funky text) and
^^ Mia ^^ ( :D Lola :D) would like to be asked either.
I have made a post about how I changed mine, so read that.
Thanks! ;'D
~ BearCandi

1 comment:

  1. People shouldn't ask anyway. This is because...

    When users create their user they should choose the name carefully as it is a name they will keep through out the game. Everyone who has changed their names had thought of the name before the application came out therefore they did not know it would be a bad name for future use. I thought of my name and well Bearcandi your mah sis and you know what I do when I wanna change mah name xD
